Dr. Emese Szőcs-Lindstrom Phd, DNM. 2020. "Holographic Quantum Transformation is Essential for Self-Regulation and Energy Management", IQUIM. Doctoral dissertation in Natural Medicine.
Boyle, Lavkulich, Shreier, Kiss. "Changes in Land Cover and Subsequent Effects on Lower Fraser Basin Ecosystems from 1827-1990" in Environmental Management, 1997, Vol.21, No.2, pp. 185-196.
Renn, Rohrmann (ed.), 2000. "Cross-Cultural Risk Perception: A Survey of Empirical Studies", Kluwer Academic Publishers: Boston, 2000. (language editor)
Kiss, Emese 2002. "The Impact of Water Law Enforcement on Corporations: A comparison of British Columbia's Lower Fraser Basin and Washington's Puget Sound Area", Master Thesis, UBC, January, 2002.
- The research focused on compliance and remediation in water quality management with the application of ecological theory, complexity theory, old and new institutional theory, and communicative rationality theory. The aim of the work was threefold: 1) To compare and contrast the structural complexity of the US and Canadian environmental enforcement systems as they manifest in similar ecological systems, the Lower Fraser Basin - Puget Sound (LFB-PS) watersheds. 2) To assess the tangible and intangible costs and benefits that emerged as a result of water quality related enforcement actions during 1997-2000 for a random sample of 100 companies, representing a whole array of industrial sectors, located in these watersheds. I systematically collected primary data via confidential interviews with companies that provided for the analysis of costs and benefits, as well as for a detailed description of incidents and remedial actions that have taken place. 3) To evaluate the feedback and learning effects resulting from these incidences, by looking at firms’ perception of the regulatory system, their currently unmet needs, and recommendations for change. Opportunities for collaborative processes and industrial ecosystem design were noted. The results provided a set of general and industry-specific policy recommendations.
Dr. Imre Lazar, Emese Kiss, 2002. "Gold, Cyanide, and Fish in the River of Life and Death" in Just Ecological Integrity: The Ethics of Maintaining Planetary Life, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Inc.
P. Devereaux Jennings, Paul A. Zandbergen and Martin L. Martens, "Complications in Compliance: Variation in Environmental Enforcement in British Columbia’s Lower Fraser Basin, 1985-1996", Chapter 3, Kellog School of Management, 2004. (last phase of data collection)